Best equipment For Vlogging (Our kit & how We pack It)

In this post, I’m going to share with you the best equipment for vlogging. This is the gear we personally use or plan to upgrade to.

We’ve been vlogging and travelling for nearly 10 years, because cameras were barely over 5 megapixels, the smartphone was barely created and you’d be hard-pressed to find a backpack to carry all of it.

We’ve purchased various drones, cameras, action cameras, and carrying cases over the years, and in this post, we’re going to break down the best equipment for vlogging while travelling.

We’ve already covered how to travel with a drone in previous articles and videos, but we actually carry a lot much more kit than just a flying camera. A lot of people have been asking us on Our Youtube Channel about what cameras we’re using, how the videos are stabilized, what editing software we use and how we get aerial footage.

In this article I’m opening up my electronics bag and showing you men exactly what’s inside so that if you’re planning to become a YouTuber, a Vlogger or you just want to make amazing travel videos, you can get an idea of the gear מְעוּרָב.

UPDATED 2021:  This post was updated in August 2021 to include new technology, storage, and software.


YETI Panga waterproof Backpack

Weight: 1.76kg (3.9lbs) Empty

Size: 28 liter

This is the ideal bag to keep your vlogging equipment like your drone and camera gear dry and safe no matter how crazy your travels get. 

This bag seals up completely air-tight which implies if you’re wading waist-deep in the Amazon Rainforest or just caught in a massive rainstorm, your gear will remain dry and safe.

The bag itself isn’t padded (and don’t mistake it for a cooler), but these days many drones and cameras come with their own padded bags anyways. This bag is there to keep things dry and it’s one durable backpack.

At around $300, it ain’t cheap, but when you see the build quality you’ll know it’s worth it. I just had mine arrive in the mail last week and I can tell already that it’ll survive anything I throw at it. I’ll update this post once I get some heavier use out of it!

The Gimbal

GoPro Karma

Weight: 458g (1.01 lbs)

Size: 3.62 x 4.21 x 10.55 inches

In my previous list of the best equipment for vlogging, I recommended a third-party gimbal made by a company called Feiyu-Tech, but these days it’s best to just choose the gimbal that’s actually made by GoPro, for your GoPro. 

If you want to stabilize your point-and-shoot camera or DSLR, I’d choose the DJI RS2 or the DJI Ronin SC.

For mobile phones, I recommend the DJI Osmo 3 Gimbal which is the newest model as of August 2021.

The Cameras

GoPro HERO9 Black

Weight: 60 grams

Size: 9.08 x 5.42 x 3.25 inches (no case)

In my opinion, this is the best action camera for vlogging on the market. I also have the HERO7 Black, but the 9 Black is a killer thanks to the front facing selfie screen and additional shooting capabilities.

This thing can shoot 5K video and take stunning 20mp photos. plus the image stabilization on it is so good that you basically don’t need a gimbal anymore. You really can’t go wrong with any newer GoPro, but as of 2021 when this post was written, the Hero9 Black is the cream of the crop.

Sony RX100 VII

Weight: 10.7 oz (302 g)

Size: 4″ x 2.29″ x 1.68″

I have this camera and I use it all the time in my videos. I’ve gone through the Canon G7X line of cameras as well as the Sony Nex line and I finally fell on this camera which I absolutely love.

If you want to shoot in crisp 4K and always have your subject in focus, even adding that sexy blurred background, then this camera is for you. This is currently the top-of-the-line point-and-shoot 1-inch sensor camera in the Sony lineup and it’s a beast. 

The most significant upgrade over previous models? The very useful audio-in jack for mics.

It’s amazing that you can get near-cinema quality video and good (not the greatest) photos in the palm of your hand.

The Mic

Saramonic Directional Mic

Weight: 22.6 grams

Size: 4mm Mic Jack

Costing just around $25 and sounding extremely clear for the price, this is a terrific mic for travel vloggers on a budget. You can get an extended cord and use it as a lapel mic, or you can just plug it into your RX100 VII or another camera that has a mic jack.

If you’re searching for professional audio, then you’ll definitely want to choose a Rhode Wireless Lapel Mic, but for the budget video creator, the Saramonic Mic will do fine.

The Drone

DJI Mavic small 2

Weight: 249g (8.8 ounces)

Size: 7.44 x 5.2 x 9.92 inches

It blows me away how far drones have come because I purchased my first Phantom 2 nearly 8 years ago.My newest purchase was the Mavic small and because I purchased that one, they came out with the Mavic small 2 which blows the first small out of the water.

Somehow DJI has managed to pack a 4K camera and some amazing photo shooting capabilities into a 249g package, implying it’s below the FAA restrictions so you can fly it without a license or permit in pretty much any country around the world (though you still can’t fly in national parks, etc.).

If you want an extremely powerful drone that takes near-cinema quality video and beyond-Instagram-worthy photos, then this is the drone for you.

Note: Drone laws are becoming increasingly strict. In some places, you’re simply not allowed to fly the drone, while others require a licence. However, the only place we have had an issue so far is in Italy (Rome). On April 1st, 2016, the FAA laid down some new (and warranted) laws against flying in airplanes with LiPo batteries.

You ought to always carry these flammable batteries on the plane with you to avoid having them explode in the luggage compartment.

Put them in a LiPo Battery container and make sure they’re not charged or connected to your drone while flying in an airplane. This will ensure a smooth ride through the safety and security at the airport.

UPDATE 2021: In many countries, you are now required to have a license and permit if you’re flying any drone over 250 grams. This is the only 4K drone that I know of that falls below this limit.

Click here to read more. 

The Tablet(s)

iPhone 12 pro Max

iPad 128GB or older iPad small 4

To use the drone, you’ll need a smartphone or tablet. I wouldn’t go any smaller than the 5.5″ screen size of the iphone 6 plus because you need to see detail in the photos and videos that you’re shooting from the sky.

The iPad small is the ideal size, but the small 2 and below is actually too slow to correctly process the video feed from the drone. I recommend getting the small 3 ($298) or small 4 ($337) because in my experience, the small 2 is just too choppy and pixellated.

The iphone 6s plus has a fast enough processor that easily runs the DJI software and streams the video smoothly, but it’s still a bit small. If you have an iPad Mini, I think it’s the ideal screen size. Otherwise, the iphone 12 pro Max is the current ideal phone for the setup.

The Laptop

Apple Macbook pro M-Chip

Weight: 2.06 kg (4.5lb)

Size: 0.95 inch (2.41 cm) x 12.78 inches (32.5 cm) x 8.94 inches (22.7 cm)

The new standard in processing power is the Apple M-Chip. currently only the 13-inch 2021 Macbook Pros have this, but I’m pretty sure there will soon be a release of a 15″ model which will be my next upgrade.

I currently have a 2019 15″ Macbook pro with the older Intel Chips in it and with 16GB of RAM it’s good enough for editing 1080p video without any buffering time at all. When I upgrade, I’m hoping I can get the new 15″ M-Chip Macbook pro with 32GB+ of RAM.

The Cords

GoPro – USB-C & wall plug (Universal USB)

RX100 – MicroUSB (Universal USB)

Gimbal – MiniUSB & wall plug (Universal USB)

Drone – USB-C 100-240V wall plug (400g)

iPad small 5 – Lightening (Universal USB)

iPhone 12 pro Max – Lightening

Macbook pro (USB-C + 100-240V wall Plug)

One of the most annoying things about carrying around so much gear is the tangled mess of charging cords that goes along with it. I picked up a couple of universal USBs on Amazon for $8 each to help with the clutter, but I’m still waiting for Zap-Tips to come available to really help the problem.

All together the cords weight around 500 grams and take up about 100 cm² of space in my bag.


Final cut pro X

For editing, you really can’t go wrong with final cut Pro. I also use Adobe After effects and motion 5 from time-to-time, but my go-to editing software is final Cut. I’ve been using this program because I was 14 years old and I know it pretty well. The interface is easy-to-use for beginners and pros alike and I love it.

Although there are numerous issues with Apple products failing, like so numerous other Apple users, I’m so used to the products that I have no choice but to stick with them.

Either way, I wouldn’t trade in my Macbook, iphone and final cut programs for anything else because they’re easy-to-use and indispensable.

Adobe Suite

If you’re major about photo editing, you’ll probably want PhotoShop or at least Lightroom. If you’re an Adobe fan overall you’ll probably also edit your videos with their products like Premier pro and After effects (I choose and recommend FCPX above). 

PoND 5

לאחרונה נרשמתי במשך 6 חודשים לפונדס 5 ויש להם המון קטעים ותמונות נהדרים. לא הייתה לי סיכוי לצלול לעומק זה עד כה, אבל מצאתי כמה קטעים של כמה מקומות כפריים למדי שלא חשבתי שיהיו קטעים להם.

אתה צריך לשלם כדי לרישיון הקטעים ואתה צריך לקנות חברות. אני אדווח בחזרה ואודיע לך אם זה שווה את זה.


זהו הכלי המועיל ביותר באופן מקוון ושווה את השדרוג לגירסת ה- Pro עבור התכונות הנוספות והמבחר המדהים של תמונות וקטעי וידיאו ללא תמלוגים.

אם אתה רוצה להכין תמונות ממוזערות של YouTube, Pinterest שתף תמונות, או סתם ערוך כמה גרפיקה או סמלי לוגו מדהימים, אתה צריך בהחלט לקבל Canva.


למרות שאני עורך ומפיק סרטונים כמעט 20 שנה לסירוגין, אני עדיין לומד כל כך הרבה כל יום. זה לא באמת “בתיק שלי”, אבל זה בהחלט ממלא תפקיד ביצירת הווידיאו שלי. כמה מהמדריכי יצירת הווידיאו המקוונים המועדפים עלי וערוצי YouTube כוללים:

אימוני אדווה

אקדמיה ליוצרים

מדיה זורמת

מהומות סרטים

סך החבילה, המשקל והגודל

משקל: 4.8 ק”ג

גודל: 27x34x52 ס”מ

כל מה שאתה יכול לקבל את תיק הפנגה עם כל הדברים האלה בפנים ועדיין להיות מתחת לגבול הנשיאה למשקל וגודל בחברות תעופה רבות. המשקל הזה ירד הרבה יותר ממחצית מכיוון שכתבתי לראשונה את הפוסט הזה ונשאתי מזל”ט של פנטום 2, מצלמת Nex-6 ובעצם כל דבר אחר שהיה לי היה כבד.

הציוד הטוב ביותר לבלוגינג בימינו הוא כ- 50% קל יותר מכפי שהיה לפני 8 או 9 שנים. זהו מחליף משחקים מוחלט עבור Vloggers נסיעות או לאלה שמסתובבים הרבה עם ציוד הווידיוגרפיה שלהם.

הנה לך!

זה ממש כל דבר בתיק האלקטרוניקה שלי. זה מתאים למדי בלי להיות דחוס בשום דרך, ומלבד ה- NEX-6 שלי, אני אוהב כל חלק מזה.

אם אתה מתכנן לעשות כמה סרטוני נסיעות אפיים, אתה בהחלט לא צריך את כל הציוד הזה, אבל זה נותן לך מושג טוב מה יש לנו ובתקווה נותן לך כמה רעיונות למה שאתה רוצה לנסוע איתם טיול הבא.

זה כמובן העבודה שלי, כך שיש כאן כמות די משמעותית של ערכה, אבל כל אחד יכול להתחיל לעשות סרטונים נהדרים עם GoPro, Gimbal ו- MIC.

אוהב את זה? להצמיד אותו! ?

מה גאדג’ט הווידיאו, התרמיל או התוכנה המועדפים עליך? אנא שתפו אותנו בתגובות למטה.

הצהרת אחריות: קישורים מסוימים במאמר זה הם קישורי שותפים, ומשמע שהעזים מקבלות עמלה קטנה אם בסופו של דבר תרכוש משהו מהקישורים בדף זה. זה לא עולה לך שום דבר נוסף ואנחנו מאוד מעריכים את התמיכה!

הצהרת אחריות: עזים בדרך היא מקורבת באמזון וגם שלוחה עבור כמה קמעונאים אחרים. פירוש הדבר שאנחנו מרוויחים עמלות אם תלחץ על קישורים בבלוג שלנו ורכישה מאותם קמעונאים.

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